The title of this post is something of a misnomer given the obvious fact that blogging is usually never any kind of priority for me except during the summer or when I travel. Given that I’m again going to be away from the U.S. for two months this summer (this time, mostly in London), I am deciding whether it would be worthwhile to blog my trip. If I do decide to blog this trip I then have to decide whether to blog it on this blogger page or to use my kitteneater livejournal acct., which has been the blog on which I’ve record my international travels up to now. Ideally, I’d like to find a way to migrate both blogs (including old posts) into a single framework which I could organize according to topics: so I could do entries on my intellectual pursuits (ahem, really, I will be doing research in London) and on more general topics without having to log into different accts. I’d also like to combine these entries with my personal website–something very professional looking so that I can impress the hell out of visitors when I’m on the job market in a couple (more!?) years. Any advice on the best way to do all this? Is anyone really going to want to read about me at the British Library? All thoughts and suggestions are welcome.